Gülbin Ünlü




Gülbin Ünlü's artistic practice celebrates the principle of the mash-up. In her interdisciplinary approach, which also includes collaborations with artists and the use of artificial intelligence (AI), she combines painting, photography, video, performance and music. Personal and collectively preserved memories play a central role in her work, with the underlying material being drawn from private and public archives. Ünlü developed a technique that creates a hybrid of painting and printing. To create new pictorial structures, she combines different pictorial levels by interweaving motifs and pictorial fragments from different sources and contexts. This approach allows her to work flexibly with different materials and on various painting surfaces. It also opens up her image production for the use in installation and sculptural and performative possibilities that transfer her method of layering disparate elements into one another into space. Ünlü’s working process can be categorized as the cultural practice of sampling. In a continuous reworking, she expands origins and overwrites them, connects different narrative lines and visualizes simultaneities, relationships, contexts and causalities. Ünlü’s works defy conventional categorization and classification. They manifest the complex conditions of a present that is characterized by fragmentation on an individual, social, political and cultural level.

Gülbin Ünlü lives and works in Munich, where she studied painting, drawing, sculpture and performance with Prof. Markus Oehlen and the guest professors John Jordan & Isabelle Fremeaux (Labofii), Simon Starling and Kim Noble at the Akademie der Bildenden Künste (Academy of Fine Arts) in Munich. She was awarded the Erwin and Gisela von Steiner Foundation Prize for her diploma in 2018. Since 2016, Ünlü has published books and music albums, most recently a monographic catalog published by Hammann von Mier Verlag. Her work has been exhibited at the Pinakothek der Moderne Munich in 2020 and the Berlinische Galerie in 2022, among others. She was awarded the Förderpreis für Bildende Kunst of the City of Munich in 2022 as well as the Bayerischer Kunstförderpreis in 2023.



Studied Painting and Graphic with Prof. Markus Oehlen at the AdbK Munich

Studied with guest professors for Video, Performance, and Installation: Kim Noble, Simon Starling, John Jordan & Isabelle Fremeaux (Labofii)


2:1 Research Scholarship (donated by Centrum für interdisziplinäre Studien/CX und SoNet)


Diploma in Painting, Graphics, Sculpture with Prof. Markus Oehlen / AdbK Munich

Diploma award: Prize of the Erwin and Gisela von Steiner Foundation


Bayerisches Atelierförderprogramm (2019/2020)

Prize of the Erwin and Gisela von Steiner Foundation (Diploma Prize)


Project funding by the Erwin and Gisela von Steiner Foundation

Artist book funding by the Golart Foundation


Bayerisches Atelierförderprogramm (2021/2022)


Junge Kunst und neue Wege – Bavarian State Ministry of Education, Science and the Arts

Scholarship for Fine Arts, City of Munich

Catalogue funding (debutant funding) Berufsverband Bildender Künstlerinnen und Künstler Landesverband Bayern e.V


Förderpreis bildende Kunst der Landeshauptstadt München


Scholarship from the Stiftung Kunstfonds (NeustartPLUS)

Bayerischer Kunstförderpreis

Selected Solo Shows


(n)orient – Haus der Kunst, Munich

Selected Shows


future is the winner – Jahn und Jahn, Munich

TAF (Türkisch-Armenische Freundschaft) – Münchner Kammerspiele

Passage – TIP Theorie in Practice, Munich

Bayerischer Kunstförderpreis Bildende Kunst – Galerie der Künstler*innen, Munich

Eissagungen – Sorry Square, Munich

Carrying the Earth to the Sky – Schillerstraße 38, Munich

Beyond the Bounds – Arcas Sanat Alacati, Izmir, Türkiye


Transformationen. Shelter - unsere Schutz(t)räume – Cohaus Kloster Schlehdorf

Malso13 zeigt 90% – Kunstraum Leitershofen

Couple Goals – Space n.n., Munich

Werke in Fenstern – Fäden der Kunst, Leipzig

Gläserne Barrieren – Galerie im Saalbau, Berlin

Plakatkampagne 2023 – in cooperation with Residenztheater, Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich


Klassenfragen – Berlinische Galerie, Museum für Moderne Kunst, Berlin

Kritamon Oracle – easyupstream/Stiftung Federkiel/Kerkisecho, Samos

post-un – offspacemuseum, Munich

minds are magnets – Canal Street Research Association, New York

to the land – Perlacher Forest, Munich

Plakatkampagne 2022 – Pinakothek der Moderne in cooperation with Residenztheater Munich

Förderpreise 2022 – Lothringer13 Halle, Munich

Perspektiven 2022 – Platform München, Munich

on the road – PF38, Munich


dÜstopia – Artothek München, Munich (solo)

ohne Titel – Kunstpavillon München (solo)

Kuli – Mauer, Cologne

etwaslaeuftfalsch #qualcosanonva – Triennale Milano, Milan

Alexander Kluge scheisse wer war denn noch dabei – Ruine München, Various Others, Munich

Zeki Müren - das ausgestellte Leben – Maison Zeki Müren, Lovaas Projects, Munich

Leihweise 2021 - Neuerwerbungen der Artothek – Artothek Munich

Lutz! blau, rot e capelli grassi – Galerie Lake, Oldenburg

SummerBreeze – Spoilerroom, Berlin


Denkraum Deutschland II – Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich

Die ersten Jahre der Professionalität 39 – Galerie der Künstler, Munich


Blessed is the Machine – Architekturbüro Tokdemir, Munich

Performance-Gondel – Kunst im öffentlichen Raum


Support your local Artist #1 – Lothringer13 Florida, Munich

Meze Evi – Museum Villa Stuck, Munich

Tacker – Galerie der Künstler, Munich

Freude – Galerie Britta von Rettberg, Munich

Freie Radikale – BBK, Munich

Wieder Sehen – Kunstarkaden, Munich

Schaustellung – Das Kapital, Berlin


no stop non stop – Lothringer 13, Munich

akkord – Galerie Britta von Rettberg, Munich

Ortsangaben – Galerie FOE, Munich

Debütanten – MMA München

VKP. ok? – Lovelace, Munich