(...) Erwin Pfrang’s images have come a long way. At first encounter they can be unsettling, causing puzzelment or shock, and the artist’s recent development may mean that they produce these reactions even in those who thought they knew his work. Yet if one is open, if one lets oneself be guided by the paintings, then one will recognize certain constant features along a path that Pfrang has followed consistently and that now reveals itself as a process of maturing.
Pfrang’s paintings of the early 1980s outwardly very different from his later work, already show the artitst feeling his way, hesitantly and with a muted palette, toward and around certain basic themes that have since come to dominate his oeuvre. These images focus on an associative approach to subjects central to the religious and mythological experience and interpretation of the world – subjects such as creation, birth, and death – some motifs being treated directly and indirectly in ever new variations. The fairytale atmosphere of some of these early paintings is by no means carefree, and a threatening undertone can be perceived amog the guilelessness of childlike games and dreams. Increasingly, however, the images tell of an insistently experienced present, which threatens at first to engulf the last remaining elements of figurative self-assertion in cascades and whirlpools of paint and eventually to overwhelm the individual in the form of oppressively dense metaphorical projections. With particular sensitivity the artist reacts with concern and distress to the guilt and need in which all human existence is entangled and he confronts the absurdities of modern civilization with irony and a touch of sarcasm.
These basic attitudes also have informed Pfrang’s subsequent work, including his latest paintings: seeds initially barely perceptile as such have borne fruit. Increased mastery of artistic techniques has been accompanied by greater sobriety and by a broader view, a more liberal approach to emotions, heightened clarity, and a more decisive manner. Outward signs of Pfrang’s growth in confidence are the lightening and intensification of his palette and the desire to conquer large formats.
In spite of the length of the road it has traveled, notwithstanding the multifarious forms of expression it envinces, Pfrang’s painting pursues a single aim, presistently and from ever new angles: to investigate human self-examination and self-experience, an investigation that he himself undertakes as an exemplum, offering the results to the viewer. These images resemble static scenes on a world stage, scenes that focus not on the unfolding of a plot, but on the description and appraisal of a situation. States and circumstances are presented, but not interpreted, commented on, or dressed in didactic garb. It is up to the viewer to draw his or her conclusions. (...)
Text by Peter Eikemeier, Extract from: Forms of Dawning Conciousness, in: Erwin Pfrang. Bilder, Verlag Fred Jahn, Munich 1999
Erwin Pfrang is born in Munich
(lives an works in Berlin)
Studies at the Akademie der Bildende Künste in Munich
State sponsorship prize of Freistaat Bayern
Lives and works in Montepulciano in Tuscany, Italy
Art scholarship of the Bayerische Akademie der Schönen Künste, Munich
Lives and works in different places in Italy (Tuscany and Liguria)
Lives and works in SOLET, an abandoned travertine factory in Val d’Orcia, Tuscany
Returns to Germany (Munich and Augsburg)
Returns to Italy, lives and works in Catania, Sicily
Returns to Germany (Berlin)
Selected Solo Shows
The Ghosts Ask – David Nolan Gallery, New York
Delirium – Jahn und Jahn, Munich
Blaring Silence – Jahn und Jahn, Munich
Erwin Pfrang – Catholic Academy in Bavaria, Munich
Erwin Pfrang. Gedacht durch meine Augen – Buchheim Museum, Bernried
Axel Pairon Gallery, Knokke, Belgium
Erwin Pfrang. Sonderausstellung in der Residenz – Galerie Fred Jahn / Residenz, Munich
Erwin Pfrang. Neue Arbeiten – Galerie Jahn Baaderstrasse, Munich
Erwin Pfrang. Illustrationen zu James Joyce “Dubliner” (Deutsche Ausgabe, Reclam 1994) – Kunst am CAS / LMU (Center for Advanced Studies, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München), Munich (cat.)
Erwin Pfrang. Neue Bilder – Galerie Fred Jahn, Munich
Erwin Pfrang. Bilder – Galerie MZ, Augsburg
Erwin Pfrang – Die Tankstelle, Berlin (Juerg Judin, Berlin, in cooperation with Galerie Fred Jahn, Munich)
Zeichnungen zu “James Joyce: Dubliner”, Reclam Verlag, Leipzig 1994, und andere Arbeiten aus der Sammlung Walter Bareiss – Galerie Fred Jahn, Munich
Erwin Pfrang. Gegenwelten – Kunstparterre München, Munich (cat.)
Erwin Pfrang. Zeichnungen – Wolfram Völcker Fine Art, Berlin
Erwin Pfrang. Hades – Staatliche Graphische Sammlung in der Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich (cat.)
Erwin Pfrang. Großformatige Tuschbilder 2005–2007 – Galerie Fred Jahn, Munich, and Norwood Fine Arts, Munich
Opere – Università degli Studi di Catania, Centro Voltaire, Catania, Italy
Paintings – Daniel Weinberg Gallery, Los Angeles
Hades and Other Drawings – Nolan / Eckman Gallery, New York
Neue Bilder – Galerie Fred Jahn, Munich
Bilder, Zeichnungen und Graphik – Völcker & Freunde Galerie, Berlin
Circe Drawings – Bank of Ireland Arts Centre, Dublin, Ireland
Paintings and Drawings – Nolan / Eckman Gallery, New York
Paintings and Drawings – The Norwood Gallery, Brussels
Bilder und Zeichnungen – Galerie Fred Jahn, Munich
Paintings and Drawings – The Norwood Gallery, Austin, Texas
IO & LUI – Nolan / Eckman Gallery, New York (cat.)
Bilder – Staatsgalerie moderner Kunst, Munich (cat.)
Arbeiten auf Papier & Odysseus und kein Ende – Staatliche Graphische Sammlung München, Munich (with two catalogs in the slipcase)
Paintings and Drawings – Daniel Weinberg Contemporary Art, San Francisco
6 Personali – Castelluccio di Pienza-La Foce, Italy
Dubliner Drawings and Related Works – Nolan / Eckman Gallery, New York
Bilder 1990–1994 – Galerie Fred Jahn, Munich
Circe Drawings – David Nolan Gallery, New York (cat.)
Aquarelle – Galerie Jahn & Fusban, Munich
Bilder – Galerie Fred Jahn, Munich
Zeichnungen, Galerie Fred Jahn, Munich (cat.)
Selected Group Shows
Ungekämmte Bilder. Kunst ab 1960 aus der Sammlung Herzog Franz von Bayern – Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich
Your Mask (Part III: Don’t Forget Your Mask) – Jahn und Jahn, Munich
40+10+1 – Jahn und Jahn, Munich
Bildnis und Figur. Oskar Coester / Frank Günzel / Walter Klose / Erwin Pfrang / Rudi Tröger / Katharina von Werz – Karl & Faber, Munich, in cooperation with Galerie Fred Jahn, Munich
Deutsche Zeichnungen und Originalgrafik der Gegenwart – Wolfram Völcker Fine Art, Berlin
Karl Bohrmann / Heinz Butz / Erwin Pfrang / Friedrich G. Scheuer / Rudi Tröger / Katharina von Werz. Bilder, Aquarelle, Zeichnungen – Karl & Faber, Munich, in cooperation with Galerie Fred Jahn, Munich
Extraordinary Visions. Hans Bellmer, Anne Chu, Amy Cutler, Amy Finkbeiner, Valerie Favre, George Grosz, Karl Hubbuch, Yun-Fei Ji, Jim Nutt, Erwin Pfrang, Rudolf Schlichter, Peter Stauss – Nolan / Eckman Gallery, New York
Joyce in Art – Royal Hibernian Academy, Dublin
Drawn from a Family – Colby College Museum of Art, Waterville, Maine
Dreams 1900–2000 – Passage de Retz, Paris
Unterwegs – Bayerische Akademie der Schönen Künste, Munich
- Nationale der Zeichnung – Zeughaus, Augsburg
Dreams 1900–2000 – The Equitable Gallery, New York; Historisches Museum der Stadt Wien, Vienna; Binghamton University Art Museum, Binghamton, NY
- Nationale der Zeichnung Augsburg – Zeughaus, Augsburg
Positionen – Galerie Fred Jahn, Munich, and Michael Hasenclever Galerie, Munich
Drawn in the ’90s – Museum of Art, Katonah, NY; Illingworth Kerr Gallery, Alberta; College of Art, Calgary; Huntsville Museum of Art, Huntsville, Alabama
Erwerbungen 1982–1989. Ankäufe und Geschenke. Eine Auswahl – Staatliche Graphische Sammlung, Munich
Künstler der Galerie – Galerie Jahn & Fusban, Munich
Künstler ’89 im Palais Preysing – Palais Preysing, Munich
Alberto Giacometti. Prints & Erwin Pfrang, Frank Günzel, Rudi Tröger. Drawings – David Nolan Gallery, New York
Rückblick / Ausblick – Galerie Fred Jahn, Munich
Gemeinschaftsausstellung mit Annette Lucks, Norbert Eberle und Frank Günzel – Galerie Buchmann, Basel, and Galerie Heike Curtze, Düsseldorf
Zeichenkunst der Gegenwart. Sammlung Prinz Franz von Bayern – Staatliche Graphische Sammlung, Munich
Norbert Eberle, Frank Günzel, Annette Lucks, Erwin Pfrang. Arbeiten auf Papier – Galerie Fred Jahn, Munich
Stilleben – Galerie Biedermann, Munich
Köpfe – Galerie Biedermann, Munich
Gemeinschaftsausstellung mit Frank Günzel – Knöbelstraße, Munich
Gemeinschaftsausstellung mit Annette Lucks und Norbert Eberle – Knöbelstraße, Munich
Neuerwerbungen. Ankäufe / Geschenke / Dauerleihgaben – Staatliche Graphische Sammlung, Munich